Remember when you were a kid and your art teacher (if you had one) told everyone that they all could do the art project and not to worry, everyone has talent? Or some words to that effect? I knew from an early age that I had absolutely no artistic talent/skill whatever and was continually mortified at the results of my efforts. I knew they were lying – it was never my artwork placed on the bulletin board for all to admire.

And even today when I sigh wistfully when enjoying a piece of art, painting, sculpture or whatever and wish aloud that I had artistic talent and invariably whomever I am with says something like “I’m sure you’re artistic! Just give it a try.” I KNOW I have no talent where drawing, painting, sculpting is concerned; I’VE TRIED!

The truth of the matter is that not everyone is artistic; if we were we wouldn’t pay so much for the work of those who really are.

But having said that I must confess that I have in recent years found my talent and that is in the garden. And more, I am convinced that all gardeners are artists in their own right. Oh maybe we can’t all sell our work or skill but I really think anyone who has the zeal (and once you’ve gotten your hands in the dirt you will likely be infected by the ‘gardening bug’) it will show in ways only nature and the elements can limit.

GardenClubI recently went with my garden club  friends to visit the Maine Botanical gardens and everyone of us were in awe of the beauty put together by the artist gardeners there. We couldn’t stop commenting (as one non garden club member of the group observed) at the wonderful arrangements of the many plants we knew and others new to us. We spent hours soaking in the tapestry of colors and textures and fragrances that filled our senses and sparked our creative juices. We rode home a-bubble with ideas and visions of future gardens on our own palettes.

Maybe I don’t know what a true artist is, but then again maybe now I do. I know passion has a lot to do with the creation of a work of art and acceptance of the result is in the eye of the beholder. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a garden I didn’t really enjoy…

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